Privacy Policy

ASC Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) recognizes the importance of personal information protection in an advanced information and communication society and strives to securely manage personal information in accordance with the following basic policy.

1. “Acquisition of Personal Information”

The Company acquires personal information through appropriate and fair means.

2. “Use of Personal Information”

(1) The Company uses personal information within the scope of the purposes specified at the time of acquisition and only to the extent necessary for the execution of its business operations.

(2) If the Company jointly uses personal information with a third party or entrusts the handling of personal information to a third party, the Company will conduct a strict investigation of the third party and conclude necessary contracts to maintain confidentiality, as well as provide appropriate supervision.

3. “Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties”

Except as required by law, the Company will not disclose or provide personal information to third parties without obtaining prior consent from the individual.

4. “Management of Personal Information”

(1) The Company maintains the accuracy of personal information and manages it securely.

(2) The Company implements appropriate information security measures to prevent unauthorized access, computer viruses, and other threats to protect personal information from loss, destruction, alteration, and leakage.

(3) The Company does not allow personal information to be removed from the premises or transmitted externally, thereby preventing leakage.

(4) Only personnel authorized according to their job responsibilities can handle personal information to the extent necessary for business execution.

5. “Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use, and Deletion of Personal Information”

(1) The Company acknowledges the right of individuals to request disclosure, correction, suspension of use, and deletion of their personal information. The Company will promptly respond to such requests without objection.

6. “Organization and Structure”

(1) The Company appoints a Personal Information Protection Manager to ensure proper management of personal information.

(2) The Company provides training to executives and employees on personal information protection and appropriate management methods, ensuring proper handling of personal information in daily operations.

7. “Development, Implementation, Maintenance, and Improvement of the Personal Information Protection Compliance Program”

To execute this basic policy, the Company establishes a Personal Information Protection Compliance Program (including this basic policy and other regulations), thoroughly familiarizes employees and other relevant parties with it, implements and maintains it, and continuously improves it.

Revised on August 24, 2016


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