A healthy and fruity sauce that’s easy to make.
It’s versatile and handy to have around for various dishes.


Tropical Maria strawberries 500g
Panera (brown sugar) 100g
Lemon Juice of 1 lemon
Agar powder 4g (to taste)

How to make

  • Thaw the frozen strawberries and keep the juice from the berries.
  • Combine strawberries, sugar, and freshly squeezed lemon juice in a heat-resistant bowl and microwave for about 8 minutes. (No need to cover with plastic wrap.)
  • Cool the finished fruit sauce.
    * If you want to thicken the sauce, you can reheat it and add powdered agar, then let it cool.
    * You can also use other frozen fruits.
    * Mix the remaining fruit sauce with milk to make a delicious drink

Recipes used Strawberries