さつまいもの粒マスタード和え|ベジーマリア さいつまいも(乱切り)|ベジーマリア さいつまいもダイス・カット|はまぐりとほうれん草のリゾット

The acidity of the grain mustard goes well with the sweetness of the sweet potatoes in this easy-to-prepare side dish. As all you need to do is mix the ingredients together, how about making this dish on a busy day, or as a side dish for a lunch box? Add a little honey if preparing this dish for children. (ingredients for 2 servings)


Tropical Maria diced sweet potatoes 150g
A Mayonnaise 1 tbsp
A Grain mustard 2 tsp
A Soy sauce 1/2 tsp

How to make

  • Microwave the frozen sweet potatoes. Mix all the ingredients in A.
  • Dress the sweet potatoes with A and serve on a plate.。

Recipes used Sweet Potato